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Open Day Polyrhythms, Box Hill Institute, 23 August 2015

On Open Day at Box Hill, Tim Opie brought his Reactable to display to the public. I showed up with my iPad, and Novation Launchpad.  During the day, we jammed together, occasionally, and in the mid-afternoon, when there was no one around, I made a little polyryhthmic piece using several different rhythms on the iPad, and a rock drum loop or two on the Reactable.  All in different tempi, of course.  I was able to change the tempo of the rock beat by moving the cube on the Reactable's surface, and change which loops were playing on my iPad.  Simultaneously, I was filming this withone hand, while performing with the other.  This is probably taking DIY a bit too far, but what the heck?  I hope you enjoy this little 2 and 1/2 minute exploration!

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